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Jorge is a nine-year-old boy who never established night time bladder control and wets the bed every night. He does not have toileting accidents during the day. Jorge lives at home with a single working mother, who privately tells the RN that she is frustrated with the additional laundry, and having to get up extra early so her son can shower in the morning rather than at night. She asks the RN in the pediatrician’s office for advice to manage the problem at home. Jorge is excited to go on a Boy Scout camping trip, and the mother is concerned that he will experience embarrassment, because the boys and the leader could find out about this problem.

In 100 words or more and based on the above scneario, please do the following:

1. Identify four (4) pieces of assessment data the RN should collect.

2. Explain how each of the four pieces of assessment data is to be used in developing the nursing care plan for the patient.

Thank you.

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