
Assignment rubic

Researched Argument Major EssaySubmit AssignmentDue Thursday by 11:59pm Points 100 Submitting a file upload File Types doc, docx, and pdfTaskFor this assignment, you’ll submit the final, polished researched argument paper.RequirementsA current world or local crisis supported by evidence,A CLEAR, actionable solution and evidence it will be effective, Mostly in the words of the student,MLA citations, Works Cited, and formatted paper,1000-1,500 words,Works Cited with a minimum of 5 reliable sources, 2 from the HCC Library Database.This paper MUST be your original work written for this class only, and credit must be given to your sources through internal citations and a Works Cited. Plagiarism, which includes failure to cite appropriately, will receive a 0.No late papers will be accepted without a documented emergency. No papers will be accepted after the Saturday that the final exam is scheduled.InformationSubmit to a tutor at least two days before the due date.Read over the Researched Argument Paper ONE MORE TIME.Read over the rubric below.Read the Sample Researched Argument Papers.Review Revising and Editing process.Submit Workshop Your Policy Position Paper.Submit this assignment a few hours early and check Turnitin match.Attach remarks from tutor in the assignment comments for 5 pts extra credit. Note that this paper is your second outside writing, and is worth 20% of your grade.RubricResearched ArgumentResearched ArgumentCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCitationsEvidence is imbedded quoted snippets, paraphrase, or summary, and all evidence is appropriately cited in parenthesis so that reader can connect citations to the first word(s) of the Works Cited.Works Cited is on last page of document. WARNING: STUDENTS WHO FAIL TO INTERNALLY CITE OR FAIL TO INCLUDE A WORKS CITED, OR BOTH, CAN RECEIVE A “0” FOR PLAGIARISM. Please review Academic Integrity page.10.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMLA FormattingPaper is set up according to MLA with heading, header, margins, type size and title.Internal citations are correct with author’s last name or first word of title if no author, and Works Cited is correctly formatted with centered title, double spaced, hanging indent, and citations are correct.5.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar and mechanics, vocabularyFree of grammar and mechanics errors, evidence of formal writing, avoids 1st & 2nd person, college-level vocabulary5.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntro and thesisIntro provides context; thesis is strong, with the problem and one or more concrete and actionable suggestions for solving the problem.15.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBody paragraphs, organizationStrong topic sentences in MOST paragraphs provide reasons for problem and why solutions will work; evidence is relevant and supports argument that a problem exists and that solutions will work. Essay is logically organized with transitions between paragraphs.15.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArgumentStudent presents a strong AND FOCUSED argument supported by reliable sources, primarily reviewed articles (no books or ebooks) from the database and local respected news sources. Students clearly understands the local impact of the issue, and issue is narrow enough to adequately cover. Provides background for the local impact of the issue, current solutions if any, evidence that problem exists where we live. Provides reasonable and concrete solution(s) and proves that the solution(s) will be effective for our city, county, state and country. No skewing of evidence or cherry-picking. Acknowledges counterargument and refutes.30.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFluency and CoherenceEssay flows, argument is strong and and indicates logic and a strong understanding of the issue. Transitions from one paragraph or idea to the next.15.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSourcesMinimum 5 sources, no books unless approved, at least 2 sources from the HCC database, reliable sources5.0 ptsTotal Points: 100.0PreviousNext

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