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BSN-FP 4012 Response Plans

BSN-FP 4012 Response Plans

Scenario One: Inpatient Nephrology Unit

Concepts of Change Theory and How It Can Be Used as a Tool to Manage Situations

In order to handle the prevailing blame game between the night shift and day shift nurses concerning who is responsible for intake and output documentation, I will conduct a meeting between the two groups of nurses and authorize who is responsible for the documentation. The concepts of change theory applicable in this scenario include participation, evaluation, and planning to promote social change. The problem exists due to lack of proper communication concerning the duties of night and day shift nurses. Holding a meeting with both groups will clear the air on which group of nurses is responsible for which documentation. Precisely, in the meeting, I will stipulate that the night shift nurses should be responsible for doing the documentation at the morning before they hand over the roles to the day shift nurses. On the other hand, I will authorize the day shift nurses to do documentation at the evening when hand over the roles to the night shift nurses. The elements of this change theory are not limited to teamwork, collaboration, communication, and responsibility.

Effective Leadership Style

I believe that leadership is primarily a communication base activity. Leaders use most of their time creating customized messages that are relayed to followers and stakeholders. The leadership style that I will exercise in this scenario is the executive leadership style. I will exercise this leadership style since it is the most effective in a situation where collaboration is required (Cherry & In Jacob, 2017). In addition, this leadership style is effective when executives are the main target. Holding a meeting and communicating effectively will clear the confusion concerning nursing shift that is responsible for daily documentation.

How Outcomes or Success of the Style Selected Could Be Measured

 The expected outcome is the completion of daily weights and intake and output records, satisfaction of renal physicians, and effective patients` plan of care, in such a way that hospitalized patients will be discharged on the appropriate time. Precisely, in the meeting, I will stipulate that the night shift nurses should be responsible for doing the documentation at the morning before they hand over the roles to the day shift nurses.

How Professional and Legal Standards Guide the Effective Nurse Leader

In this scenario, the professional nursing standard of autonomy will guide me in making this effective decision. This nursing standard stipulates that a nurse leader has the freedom and authority of making effective decision involving the nursing roles without influence from the other stakeholders (Cashin et al., 2016).

Scenario Three: School Nurse

Concepts of Change Theory and How It Can Be Used

In this scenario, the change theory will be to emphasize healthy sexual behavior among students, and this should also include the use of sexual protective gears such as condoms especially to the few students who may fail to maintain sexual abstinence. Embarking on abstinence from sexual behaviors as the only sexual education cannot bear much fruits since there some students who are sexually active as well as those who are likely to give in to sexual inducements. Condom dispenser can as well be placed in strategic points such as in the washrooms. The elements of this change will be demonstrations concerning the use of condoms, effective communication as well as distribution of condoms.

Strategies and Rationale/ Effective Leadership Style

The core leadership style in this scenario is the transformational leadership style. The rationale of selecting this leadership style is that since students in grade 11, 12 and 13 are in the transitional stage of developing from childhood to adulthood, the need of being furnished with life matter can stimulate change in their lives (Huber, 2013). In addition, most of these students are in the adolescent stage, which is characterized by the desire of experimenting life matters such as sexual behaviors cannot be underestimated. Introducing the aspect of using condoms as well as the access of these condoms will save a nine.

How Outcomes or Success of the Style Selected Could Be Measured

The core outcome is the reduction of cases of sexually transmitted diseases as well as pregnancy levels among the students. The outcome can be measured by monitoring a consistent reduction in the rate of students contracting sexually transmitted diseases while lessening the rate of girls’ pregnancy in the junior class. However, some parents may complain concerning this decision but I will educate them concerning its importance to the students.

How Professional and Legal Standards Guide the Effective Nurse Leader

While making this decision, I will be guided by aspect of maintaining ethical standards. Precisely, teaching and distributing condoms to the students is ethical, and it will do more good than harm.

Scenario Four: Inpatient Psych Unit

Concepts of Change Theory and How It Can Be Used

In this scenario, the best change theory strategy that can curb the challenge is institution job rotation. I think the health professionals who are discharging psychiatric patients without following the right protocol is due to the fact that they have been operating in the discharge unit for some time and this is the core reason that the deficiencies in the discharge record have been on the rise. In addition, I will hold a meeting with all nurses in order to inform them concerning the incoming changes as well as sensitizing them to be alerting me before making discharges.

Effective Leadership Style

The best leadership style that I will embrace in this situation is executive leadership, and this is due to the fact that the decision entails nurses, who are part of the executive. Job rotation would enhance effectiveness and quality of health care services that nurses deliver to the health consumers. I will also work with the national council of nurses in order to take the necessary measures to the nurses who will be propagating the trend of making unnecessary discharge of patients.

How Outcomes or Success of the Style Selected Could Be Measured

The outcome of this decision would be increased quality of health care services as well as reduced levels of deficiencies in the discharge record. However, I am aware that some nurses will be against job rotation especially due to the fact that they had acclimatized in their original departments, but I will sensitize them concerning the importance of the decision to the health facility and to the society as a whole (Wong, Cummings & Ducharme, 2013).

How Professional and Legal Standards Guide the Effective Nurse Leader

This decision will be guided by the aspect of accountability. When there are deficiencies in the discharge record, I will be accountable for that (Cashin et al., 2016). In addition, nurses will also be accountable for their roles in the delegated departments.

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