
Client: Jackson Age range: you decide example early adulthood (20-40 yrs.) to middle adulthood (40-60 yrs.

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Client: Jackson

Age range: you decide — example early adulthood (20-40 yrs.) to middle adulthood (40-60 yrs.).

Jackson has developed phobias over the last few years, specifically to spiders, heights, and germs. He (or his parents, if you make him a child) is uncertain as to when they began or how. However, the fear is debilitating and prevents him from being able to function in his life.

Questions to use to guide your response:

  1. What are the main features of Jackson’s cognitive, social, biological, and psychosocial development during two developmental periods?
  2. Which therapeutic interventions would you suggest for helping him to reduce the fear? (Hint: Again, consider his developmental period in order for ppropriate interventions.)
  3. What predictions would you make for some developmental issues that might contribute to the phobias or prevent treatment from working?

Begin by selecting two developmental periods (remember that they need to be consecutive) and research the typical expectations for cognitive, social, moral, and biological development. Then conduct research using a peer-reviewed journal such as Developmental Psychology or Child Development to determine what kinds of developmental problems might arise in your chosen scenario.

Use that research and knowledge of developmental theory for hypothetical client/participant case study.

Writing Case Studies

  1. Introduction: Describe the problems to be solved, including specific information about the client/participant. Be clear in explaining the exact problem(s) or research question(s) so that your reader will be able to understand the rest of the case study.
  2. Background: In this section, describe in detail the specific developmental issues and pertinent background that would help to explain why the client/participant is experiencing problems in the present. Typically, this section includes the age the problem started and any specific information from the past that relates to the current problems (e.g., child of an alcoholic).
  3. Current State: In this section, explain the client/participant’s strategies for handling the problem(s). Explain the client/participant’s current developmental stages.
  4. Suggested Interventions: In this section, explain how the client/participant might benefit from specific treatments or interventions. Remember to use peer-reviewed research to support your ideas.
  5. Conclusion: Provide a brief restatement of the problem and ideas for future study to help others who have the same problems.


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Client: Jackson Age range: you decide example early adulthood (20-40 yrs.) to middle adulthood (40-60 yrs. was first posted on August 18, 2020 at 10:17 pm.
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