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Data Collection, Measurement and Analysis

Data Collection, Measurement and Analysis

The study is descriptive since it seeks to determine, identify, and describe what already is (Research Methodology,  n.d.). Unlike analytical research, it does not go further to explain why the situation is as it is. Rather, the study describes the characteristics of the population under study (Bhat, 2018).  For example, scenario, the researcher identifies the characteristics that are in both community A and B that could be leading to the difference in the prevalence of the rare form of cancer in the two communities. The researcher used survey to collect his data where he critically inspected the two different populations’ lifestyle, types of businesses present and their medical records. Nevertheless, a descriptive research study could also employ a case study data collection method or observational data collection method (Hale, 2011).

The researcher collected information about the lifestyle of the community residents to determine which healthy or unhealthy lifestyles would be contributing to the difference in the cancer rates. Information on the types of business present in the communities helped the researcher to figure out which business would be contributing to pollution that could be contributing to the higher rate of cancer in community A and which businesses might be contributing to lower rates in Community B. To be valid in the study, the businesses must be present in one community and missing in the other. Medical records helped to determine whether there were other contributing health factors such as other health problems and how often the residents attend their annual health check-ups.

The investigator can establish whether the chemical plant and cigarette smoking in community A are the cause for the higher rate of cancer by studying the form of cancer, its origin and causes and the chemical properties in both the chemical plant and the cigarettes to determine if there is a relationship. However, he cannot establish whether the absence of a chemical factory and the lower rates of smoking in community B explain its lower rates of the cancer.

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