
Discussion: Social Validity and Social Change : Course Help Online

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For this Discussion, you will analyze the relationship between social validity and social change as well as evaluate effective methods for establishing social validity.

To prepare:

· Review all module Learning Resources. Think about the criteria for social validity, how one establishes social validity, and how both connect to concept of social change.

· Select at least two required articles to specifically reference in this Discussion to support your response to explaining criteria for social validity and how one establishes social validity.

A response to the following:

· What are the criteria for social validity? Be sure to explain the relationship between your criteria and social change.

· What are the most effective methods for establishing social validity? Be sure to explain specific methods in your response.


Learning Resources

Note: To access this module’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.

Required Readings

Florian, L. (Ed.). (2014). The SAGE handbook of special education (2nd ed.). London, England: Sage.

· Chapter 24, “Research and Pupil Voice” (pp. 405–420)

Focus on context in the research process and the voices that need to be heard.

· Chapter 25, “Using the Capacity Approach to Evaluate the Well-Being of Adult Learners with Dis/abilities” (pp. 421–434).

Focus on the fact that, as special educators, we are called to enhance life-long learning for ALL individuals. We are called to assist ALL individuals lead lives of value and meaning.

Kauffman, J. M. (2015). Opinion on recent developments and the future of special education. Remedial and Special Education, 36(1), 9–13.

Social Validity

Select two from the following or reference other scholarly articles when responding to each Discussion.

Note: The resources were selected for the quality of the information and examples that they contain and not the date of publication.

Carter, E. W., Moss, C. K., Hoffman, A., Chung, Y-C., & Sisco, L. (2011). Efficacy and social validity of peer support arrangements for adolescents with disabilities. Exceptional Children, 78(1), 107–125.

Focus on the description of social validity. Pay particular attention to the multiple baseline design. Study the phase change process.

Hodge, D. R., & Limb, G. E. (2011). Spiritual assessment and Native Americans: Establishing the social validity of a complementary set of assessment tools. Social Work, 56(3), 213–223.

Focus on the importance of validating qualitative assessment methods. Pay specific attention to the mixed-methods approach to validating instruments. Study the procedures for determining congruence between elements.

Justice, L. M., Skibbe, L. E., McGinty, A. S., Piasta, S. B., & Petrill, S. (2011). Feasibility, efficacy, and social validity of home-based storybook reading intervention for children with language impairment. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 54(2), 523–538.

Focus on the issue of social validity. Review the use of initial interviews and a second battery for children. Reflect on the use of dyads.

Miramontes, N. Y., Marchant, M., Heath, M. A., & Fischer, L. (2011). Social validity of a positive behavior interventions and support model. Education and Treatment of Children, 34(4), 445–468.

Focus on the description of social validity. Consider the need to conduct program evaluations. Review interpretations of participants’ feedback.

Social Change

Note: The resources were selected for the quality of the information and examples that they contain and not the date of publication.

Anastasiou, D., & Kauffman, J. M. (2011). A social constructionist approach to disability: Implications for special education. Exceptional Children, 77(3), 367–384.

Focus on the particular viewpoints of the authors. Consider the degree to which the research design supports the views of the authors. Review the role of social constructivism.

Azzopardi, A. (2011). Special issue editorial: Creating inclusive communities. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 15(1), 1–4.

Focus on the definition of “inclusive communities.” Pay particular attention the term “community”. Consider the implications for the field of special education.

Collins, B. C. (2008). Dixie: Evolution and its effect on rural special education. Rural Special Education Quarterly, 27(3), 10–15.

Focus on the interpretation of results by the author. Review the definition of “Dixie”. Reflect on the approach to research utilized to construct this paper.

Liasidou, A. (2008). Politics of inclusive education policy-making: The case of Cyprus 4784. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 12(3), 229–241.

Focus on the level of support for inclusion education policy. Study the style of critical discourse as an approach to dialogue. Reflect on the role of children’s human rights.

Nespor, J., & Hicks, D. (2010). Wizards and witches: Parent advocates and contention in special education in the USA. Journal of Education Policy, 25(3), 309–334.

Focus on the work of parental advocates. Consider the extent to which interviews provided robust information. Recognize the interpretation of results.

Runswick-Cole, K. (2008). Between a rock and a hard place: Parents’ attitudes to the inclusion of children with special educational needs in mainstream and special schools. British Journal of Special Education, 35(3), 173–180.

Focus on the review of parents’ views. Note the descriptions of current policy and legislative context. Pay particular attention to interpretations by the author.

Swartz, A. L., & Triscari, J. S. (2011). A model of transformative collaboration. Adult Education Quarterly, 61(4), 324–340.

Focus on the description of transformative learning. Consider the extent to which grounded theory research supports the findings. Recognize the role of the researcher in interpreting findings.o access this module’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your 

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