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Leadership and Management Theories

Leadership and Management Theories, Models & Frameworks

My supervisor’s leadership behavior in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) changes from situation to situation. The supervisor employs a leadership style depending on the issue at hand. Considering the nature of the department, the supervisor is often strict to details and ensures procedures are followed to the letter. He is often democratic and likes to have the nurses take part in making clinical decisions (Mass Medical Staffing, 2018). However, he can be very authoritarian especially when a life-threatening situation arises. Being the most competent amongst us all, his shrewdness comes in handy when there is hardly any time to waste. In the case of a challenging situation, he brainstorms a solution from us and weighs the odds to determine the best action to take. Laissez-fair is the leadership style that I have never witnessed him employ in my time of working with him. Although he allows the nurses to make most of their clinical decisions, he always follows up on how every infant in the neonatal intensive care unit is doing and the actions being taken to ensure the nurses are on the right track.

The supervisor can be classified as a transformational leader. His focus is always on improved patient care, and the best processes and systems in the department (Posnick, 2017). The supervisor motivates and encourages his nurses to become better perceiving every challenging clinical situation as a learning opportunity. He emphasizes that nurses should maintain a positive mindset at work which he believes can contribute to positive health outcomes (Top Nursing, 2017). He sets a good example in the quest towards the achievement of the organization’s visions and missions. The supervisor also works with the nurses to brainstorm novel ideas that solve clinical problems more effectively.

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