
Sample Essay on Disruptive Technologies Innovations and Mashups


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Disruptive Technologies, Innovations, and Mashups

Disruptive technologies are emergent innovations that have the potential to introduce unexpected changes in the society. They displace existing technologies, lack adequate refinement, exhibit performance problems, and are limited to members of the public (Schilling 70). In most instances, their practical application to job settings is unknown. These new technologies are able to alter people’s lifestyles in different ways.

Mobile computing is a technological advancement that has had significant effects on the lifestyles of global populations. The radical changes of this technology are apparent in all sectors including banking, communication, and health. Also, intelligence software has varied implications on social and economic activities. Notably, it provokes fear especially in instances where it tends to outperform humans. Relative to this is advanced robotics that threatens to replace functions of elderly humans (Schilling 73). The technology instills fear especially considering the fact that its application is potentially invasive. Just like internet of things technology, the cloud application has taken over roles and responsibilities that were initially assumed by humans. The impact of this technology to employment and the entire economic sector is significant.

The Global Economy and What it means to Technology Management

Technological advancements influence activities of the global technology directly. Notably, the transformations help in increasing the interconnectedness of populations from across the globe. In addition, they ease the flow of information as well as movement of goods and services from one region to the other. Yet regardless of these benefits, technology can have far reaching effects on the world economy. Therefore, its effective management is vitally imperative.

Organizations utilize information that is readily available through technology to improve their performance. However, they should exercise caution and safeguard their systems against security threats. Besides using physical measures such as reinforcing locks and doors, they explore other measures including anti-virus to secure their systems. They should only utilize information that is worthwhile and disregard any conflicting or misguiding conceptions. The complexity of the technological threats is reflective of the multifarious nature of the technological advancements. For this reason, technological management is of paramount importance.

The New Management Techniques

Team Approach

This technique acknowledges that every member has vital, unique, and relevant capabilities and can contribute to product development in different ways. Besides having sufficient competencies, the team members have unique talents that organizations can explore to ensure quality performance. Firms that embrace this form of management give all their expertise an equal opportunity to contribute to the projects that they undertake. They hold each person responsible for both the success and quality of the project. Thus, they ensure active participation in project development and implementation. In essence, they involve all individuals in critical decision making during the entire cycle of production (Carstens, Richardson and Smith 72).

This school of thought asserts that members of successful teams perform their duties unitedly. The organizations that hold it in high regard encourage their employees to refrain from isolation because it limits creativity and compromises their overall productivity. Members of these teams always exhibit a willingness to switch roles whenever need arises. By ensuring quality performance at all times, agile teams maximize the value of their products and contribute positively to their organization’s competitive advantage (Carstens et al 79).

Stage Gate

The purpose of this model is to transform the ideas of an organization into desirable products and enable the same to realize profits. The approach values innovation and excellent performance during all stages of a product development. The concept premises that innovation begins when ideas about a product are borne and ends after successful launching of the respective product in the market. According to Carstel et al, this requires constant research and review of processes during product development (Carstel et al. 91). The entire process is complex and robust, consisting of predevelopment activities, development operations, and commercialization.

After discovery of ideas, pursuants of this process undertake scoping, develop the business case, build the product, test and validate the same and basing on the findings, launch the product in the market (Carstel et al. 96). Before a project is allowed to proceed to the next stage, critical decision making is done with respect to its credibility.

Concurrent Engineering

This is a business strategy that aims at attaining lasting change with regard to product development as well as performance in the market. The approach focusses on changing the organizational culture in order to realize and sustain optimal performance at all times. Before finalizing product specifications, the organizations that embrace this approach consider input and contributions from multidisciplinary teams. According to Moustapha, this ensures that all individuals understand the crucial aspects of the project such as its mission performance, budget, and environmental conditions that influence operations (Moustapha 68). The groups collaborate with each other and agree to decisions before implementation. This is a sustainable way of enhancing employee loyalty and nurturing positive attitudes towards the organization. The teams are collaborative, open minded, and have supportive leaders. Leaders in this context play the important role of providing the foundation for positive change. Such an atmosphere encourages change and fosters learning within the organization.

Rapid Prototyping

This is a form of computer-automated manufacturing that has various benefits to the organization. According to Carstens et al, it improves communication, minimizes costly mistakes, decreases the time that is used in product development, decreases delivery time, and extends the lifetime of the product (Carstens et al., 80). This innovative approach is used in the manufacturing industry to increase the complexity of the product, minimize delivery time, and eliminate redundant features during the initial stages of product development. Ultimately, it reduces costs and saves resources that organizations employ during production.

Integrated Product Development

This is a complex philosophy that encompasses use of different functional teams to develop quality products efficiently in order to meet client needs and requirements. In addition to ensuring quality production, this approach places emphasis on enhancing the processes and procedures of developing the respective products. Proponents of this school of thought advocate for empowerment of personnel through education and training in addition to providing them with relevant and sufficient resources to execute their duties with ease. In order to achieve this state, Schilling indicates that upfront planning is of paramount importance (Schilling 77). This emphasizes on continuous improvement of the product development process and active engagement of all stakeholders.


Technological changes and advancements cause certain disruptions that impact differently on human lifestyles. The interrelated nature of the global economy allows populations to benefit from information flow and movement of products. The new management techniques focus on enhancing the quality of products and improving efficiency of processes and procedures. This improves the performance of products in the competitive market environment by promoting profitability.







Works Cited

Carstens Deborah, Richardson Gary  and Smith Ronald. Project management tools and techniques: A practical guide. New York: CRC Press, 2013. Print.

Moustapha Imad. Concurrent engineering in product design and development. New Delhi: New Age International Limited Publishers, 2006. Print.

Schilling Melissa. Strategic management of technological innovation. USA: McGraw Hill, 2012. Print.


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