
SOCW 6412 Week 3 : Course Help Online

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Week 3: Dependents and Extended Family

I’m a Military Child, Where I’m from? I’m a child of the world, I bloom anywhere. I’m on an incredible journey. I know once we leave here, I will probably never walk this way again. I’m an unrooted child. My life is mostly in brown boxes. One more time again, I’m going to say goodbye to all that I know. At this moment I don’t belong anywhere; Not in this place, and not in the new place I’m moving in. It’s puzzle of a thousand pieces that has been turned upside down it’s up to you to put the puzzle back together again. I’m leaving behind all that is familiar, again. I’m facing the unknown one more time. My roots are short. Unexpected separations. Saying goodbye to friends. Some lessons are harder than others. But at the end, I have yet another success story. I’m flexible. I’m not going to bend out of shape. Being strong is the only choice I have. I’m walking this path. We are heading to a bright future together as a family and as a nation. I proudly contribute to the peace and freedom we all enjoy. Sleep peaceably in your beds at night United States of America. My family and I got your back.
—Laura C. Marin, 11, Military Child

This week, you examine the impact of military life on dependents and extended family members and consider strategies for supporting these family members.

Learning Objectives

Students will:
  • Analyze impacts of military life on children
  • Analyze strategies for supporting children and extended family in coping with military life

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Cozza, S.J. & Lerner, R.M. (2013). Military Children and Families: Introducing the Issue. The Future of Children, 23,(2), pp. 3-11

Esposito-Smythers, C., Wolff, J., Lemmon, K. M., Bodzy, M., Swenson, R. R., & Spirito, A. (2011). Military youth and the deployment cycle: Emotional health consequences and recommendations for intervention. Journal of Family Psychology, 25(4), 497-507. 

relatives raising children when parents deploy”>Herndon, M. C. (2012, March 29). Implications of relatives raising children when parents deploy [Blog post]. Retrieved from

National Military Family Association. (2010). Military kids toolkit. Retrieved from
National Military Family Association (2010). National Military Family Association: Military Kids Toolkit. Retrieved from

Murphey, D. (2013, July 23). Five risks facing young children in military families [Blog post]. Retrieved from

U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs. (2018). How deployment stress affects children and families: Research findings. Retrieved from

Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2011). Family counseling [Multimedia file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Discussion 1: Dependent: The Military Child

A lot can be said of military children and a lot can be learned from them. What we know is only a portion of what they may experience, think, or feel. For example, think about a time when you might have gone to the movies or cinema. You might get a snack, popcorn or chocolate and a drink, and then find your seat. As you settle in, perhaps you watch previews of movies yet to come. For most movie theaters, this is a likely practice, nothing overly exciting until you watch the film you paid to see. Now, imagine viewing a movie on a military installation. Before any previews, before any settling in, the curtain opens, the American flag is flying, and the national anthem plays. Everyone in the theatre stands at attention with their hand on their hearts, or saluting, while visions of soldiers, sailors, airmen, and guards flash on the screen. Imagine what that must be like for a child that before any event, attention is given to the flag, to the country, and those who serve.

Now think of a rite of passage you experienced in your childhood: perhaps getting pierced ears, or achieving a milestone at school, or getting a driver’s license. For military children, one of the most important rites of passage comes at the age of ten, when they receive their own military identification card. This is one of the pleasant experiences that military children can face. However, while there are pleasant experiences that can invoke pride, there are many others that can create stress, anxiety, and fear.

For this Discussion, review this week’s resources and consider the ways in which military life can impact children, both on and off military installations. Review the media clip, Family Counseling. Select one of the children from the media and consider how the issues this child is facing may be affecting him or her. How are the child’s coping strategies helping or hurting him or her in dealing with some of the issues related to military life?

By Day 3

Post your observations about what is occurring with either the daughter or son related to his or her military experiences. How might the child’s coping strategies be helping or hurting him or her? What recommendations might you make to help the child cope better? Justify your recommendations.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ posts.

Response 1

 Kimberly Morgan RE: Discussion 1 – Week 3COLLAPSE

Rick is 16 years old high school student. He lives with his mother and his younger sister Sara. Mr. Harris their father is currently in the military and has been deployed from his family. Rick admits to being angry and lashes out on his mother. Rick mention he has attended 3 new schools because of their moving situation in the last 2 years. Rick said he don’t have time to make friends because of the constant moving. Rick states he misses his father and wishes he didn’t go away. Rick mentions having respect for his father going away. On the other hand, he questions why he must go away, but can relate to his father being a good man and doing what is right. He wishes his father was home with the family. Rick informs the counselor he doesn’t want to be there; he is present because of his mother. In the beginning, Rick’s body language represents a young teenager being forced to be there. However, after the counselor begins to agree with Rick about the meeting and wanting his father’s support at his basketball games.  The atmosphere begins to change for the communication and trust levels.  Rick begins to have an open conversation with the counselor and state his fears and disapproval of his mother’s behaviors. The issues Rick is facing are affecting him directly. For example; his mother states he has irritability and angry outburst. Their constant moving has caused Rick not to have any friends and attempt to adapt to 3 new environments within the last 2 years. His father going away has affected his drive while playing sports. Rick has taken his angry outburst and frustrations out on his mother.

Some of Rick’s coping skills are playing basketball. Rick describes himself as handling his own business. He wishes his dad could come to one of his games because he dominates while playing basketball. He reports his father enjoying sports. 

According to the article “Behavioral Interventions for anger, Irritability, and Aggression in Children and Adolescents” Parent management training (PMT) and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) will provide some coping skills for Rick’s angry and provide some problem-solving techniques to change his outburst. The article states Anger control training (ACT) can improve social-cognitive in adolescents. Participating in psychotherapy outpatient clinics CBT’s Rick will learn how to improve social problem-solving skills and role-playing activities.

Sukhodolsky, D. G., Smith, S. D., McCauley, S. A., Ibrahim, K., & Piasecka, J. B. (2016). Behavioral Interventions for Anger, Irritability, and Aggression in Children and Adolescents. Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology, 26(1), 58–64.

Response 2

 Lorissa Baker RE: Discussion 1 – Week 3COLLAPSE

In this situation, I chose Sara. This young child was upset because her father was deployed and her mother and brother are having troubles. During the session the therapist was trying hard to get her to open up and she seemed shy. Sara is having a hard time trying to keep her family together. The therapist used role play theory to allow Sara to give a visual representation of how her family looks and acts through her vision (Laureate Education, 2011). 

Sara’s coping strategies are helping her. The use of the sweatshirt is calming her down whenever she feels overwhelmed. The recommendation that I would also add would be to try and talk to her brother. With her being so young, siblings usually will bond when something is bothering them. The fact that they both miss their dad could be a reason for him to open up to her or vent about the void that both of them are missing. 

Laureate Education (Producer). (2011). Family counseling [Multimedia file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

By Day 5

Respond to two or more colleagues with support or alternative recommendations.

Return to this Discussion to read the responses to your initial post. Note what you have learned and/or any insights you gained as a result of the comments your colleagues made.

To complete your Discussion, click on Discussions on the course navigation menu, and select “Week 3 Forum” to begin.

Submission and Grading Information
Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:
Week 3 Discussion Rubric

Post by Day 3 and Respond by Day 5

To participate in this Discussion:
Week 3 Discussion

Discussion 2: Extended Family

Reflect back on the first week in this course and the evolving nature of the military family. While there are specific guidelines about who is eligible for military benefits based on the military definition of family, the military does recognize the importance of extended family members. Extended family members include mothers and fathers of military personnel, in-laws, aunts, uncles, siblings, and significant others.

For this Discussion, consider potential impacts of military service on extended family members and how you might help support them.

By Day 4

Post two potential situations in which extended family may be impacted by their loved one’s military service. As a helping professional, what recommendations might you make in relation to these situations to help support the extended family members?

Read a selection of your colleagues’ posts.

By Day 6

Respond to two or more colleagues with support or alternative recommendations.

Return to this Discussion to read the responses to your initial post. Note what you have learned and/or any insights you gained as a result of the comments your colleagues made.


 Kenechukwu Menakaya RE: Discussion 2 – Week 3COLLAPSE

Because of a family member’s military experience, extended families are often affected by their loved one’s military service negatively. The returnee family member may not be able to work any longer, a spouse or mother or any family member may need to be retrained for a job or take up most of the financial burden. The financial burden can sometimes lead to downward economic status. At times, the individual may start feeling isolated from other loved ones because of the time, energy, and attention paid to the rehabilitation of their loved ones (DeCarvalho & Whealin, 2012). Another potential situation will be, experiencing vicarious traumatization, which refers to stress reactions that are caused by directly seeing a loved one’s exposure to trauma. The family member may start experiencing fear, helplessness, or horror as a result of looking at the picture, video, or anything that reminds him or her of their loved one (DeCarvalho & Whealin, 2012).

As a helping professional, there are different recommendations that I can present to help support extended family members. One is “Coping and Empowering Skills.” I will help the military family members discover what helps in their relationship, and what coping skills will help them deal with life’s stress effectively. This process will involve the discovery and practice of powerful coping skills in taking diligent care of themselves and the family and how to move to the next level, which is helping to empower family members. In this level, the family learns how to focus on one another’s strengths, and how to use those strengths to deal with the critical issues they are facing (DeCarvalho & Whealin).  


DeCarvalho, L. T., & Whealin, J. M. (2012).  Healing stress in military families: Eight steps to wellness (1st ed.). Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley.

Response 2

 Kimberly Morgan RE: Discussion 2 – Week 3COLLAPSE

Finding out a family member is going to the army forces, can be a bittersweet moment. Not only are the members going away impacted, but the extended family is also impacted. Upon enlisting in the army forces, there are going to be a huge impact on the extended family members, their life is going to change. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, extended family is members who are related through blood. For example; grandparents, aunts, uncles, and siblings.  According to the article “Implications of Changes in Family Structure and Composition for the Psychological Well-being of Filipina Women in Middle and Later Years” reports changes in family relationships, environments, and socioeconomic pathways. Secondly, another situation the extended family will be impacted is the birth of a child. Children are truly blessings from above however, if there are children involved a family care plan has to be created for the well-being of the child. With the approval of the parents, a guardian will be in place, and power of attorney documents will be completed.

In the hopes to provide resources services to the extended family. I personally believe family-centered care will benefit the holistic family. This care provides the well-being of family members through professional partnerships. Through professional relationships, the family’s best interest is focused on. The skills the professional brings to the family is respected. Lastly, the willingness to negotiate in important. According to the article “Psychometric Evaluation of a Consumer-Developed Family-Centered Care Assessment Tool” states the assessment tool honors strengths, culture, and traditions of family members. Family-centered care improves the family’s experiences, reduce stress, improve communication, and reduce conflict.

Chen, F., Bao, L., Shattuck, R. M., Borja, J. B., & Gultiano, S. (2017). Implications of Changes in Family Structure and Composition for the Psychological Well-Being of Filipino Women in Middle and Later Years. Research on Aging, 39(2), 275–299.

Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Extended family. In dictionary. Retrieved June 14, 2020, from

To complete your Discussion, click on Discussions on the course navigation menu, and select “Week 3 Forum” to begin.

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: Course Help Online appeared first on Course Help Online.

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