
The accountability in educational research paper

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 After reading  the 3 articles, write a 5-7 page paper, not including the title page, reference page, and appendix (if applicable) on the required sections noted below. Please be sure to follow APA 6th edition standards and view the sample paper and APA resources in the important information forum for formatting support. The Accountability in Educational Research Paper is due by Midnight on Sunday, December 17, 2017. 

Litchka, P. R. (2007). No leader left behind: Planning to prepare effective educational leaders in this era of accountability. Educational Planning, 16(2), 44-52.

Lund, J., & Shanklin, J. (2011). The impact of accountability on student performance in a secondary physical education badminton unit. Physical Educator, 68(4), 210- 220.

Winch, C. (2001). Accountability and relevance in educational research. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 35(3), 443-459.  

In your Accountability in Educational Research Paper please include the following:

  • A summary of the pertinent information discussed in the      three articles, how it relates to each other, and how it’s different. What      did you learn from reading these articles and how does it apply to      accountability in education? (CACREP SC I1)
  • What is the significance of research in education?      (CACREP IIG 8 a)
  • How does research advance education? (CACREP IIG 8a)
  • What are problems, issues, and/or limitations related      to research in education? (CACREP SC I1)
  • How can research findings inform change, provide      accountability, and produce evidence-based practice in education? (CACREP      IIG 8e, SC I5)


M.Ed. School Counseling Rubric














Evaluation   of Research



Does   not demonstrate ability to critically evaluate research relevant to the practice   of school counseling.  Summary is incomplete or presents misinformation.

Demonstrates   limited ability to critically evaluate research relevant to the practice of   school counseling.  Summary is partially complete and only includes   review of two articles.

Demonstrates   above average ability to critically evaluate research relevant to the   practice of school counseling.  Summary from all three articles is   accurate.

Demonstrates   superior ability to critically evaluate research relevant to the practice of   school counseling.  Synthesizes information from all three articles   clearly, concisely and accurately.


Importance   of Research



Demonstrates   little understanding of the importance of research in advancing the   counseling profession.  Provides no examples of the significance of   research in education and how research is used to improve counseling   effectiveness.

Demonstrates   general understanding of the importance of research in advancing the   counseling profession.  Provides few examples of the significance of   research in education and how research is used to improve counseling   effectiveness.

Demonstrates   above average understanding of importance of research in advancing the   counseling profession.  Provides some examples of the significance of research   in education and how research is used to improve counseling effectiveness.

Demonstrates   superior understanding of the importance of research in advancing the   counseling profession.  Provides several examples of the significance of   research in education and how research is used to improve counseling   effectiveness.






Does   not provide information on strengths and weaknesses of educational research.

Summarizes   a few strengths and weaknesses of educational research.

Summarizes   some strengths and weaknesses of educational research.

Summarizes   several strengths and weaknesses of educational research.


Inform   Evidence-based practice and inform change



Does   not demonstrate  ability to draw accurate conclusions from research   to  inform evidence-based practice and inform change.

Demonstrates   beginning ability to draw accurate conclusions from research to  inform   evidence-based practice and inform change.

Demonstrates   average ability to draw accurate conclusions from research to  inform   evidence-based practice and inform change.

Demonstrates   exceptional ability to draw accurate conclusions from research to inform   evidence-based practice and inform change.


Grammar,   Language Mechanics and Writing


Paper   contains instances of colloquial, non-professional writing and/or grammatical   and spelling errors sufficient to detract from communication of ideas.

Paper   contains some instances of colloquial, non-professional writing, is   moderately lacking in organization, and contains a moderate number of   grammatical and spelling errors.

Paper   is written in a professional style, is well-organized using headings and   sub-headings to guide the reader, and contains only minor and infrequent   grammatical and spelling errors.

Paper   is written in a professional style, is well-organized using headings and   sub-headings to guide the reader, and is free of grammatical and spelling   errors.


APA   Style and Formatting


There   are major errors in overall APA style and in-text and reference list   citations formatting.  Assignment reveals formatting errors and a lack   of organization. Learner presents an incomplete attempt to provide linkages   or explanation of key terms.

There   are a moderate number of errors in overall APA style and in-text and   reference list citation formatting. Learner uses a variety of formatting   styles, with some inconsistencies throughout the paper. Assignment does not   have a continuous pattern of logical sequencing.

Overall   APA style is accurate, but minor errors exist in in-text and reference list   citation formatting.  Learner demonstrates a good skill level in   formatting and organizing material in assignment. Learner presents an above   average level of preparedness, with few formatting errors.

Document   is presented in accurate APA style.  In-text citations are used where   needed and formatted appropriately.  Reference list is provided with all   items in accurate APA format.  Overall format of assignment includes   well- developed paragraphs and conclusion. Finished assignment demonstrates   student’s ability to

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