
They involve a range of higher order thinking skills, e.g. students are asked to summarize the content of the reading (understand), to describe what is new or interesting (analyze, evaluate, create),

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They involve a range of higher order thinking skills, e.g. students are asked to summarize the content of the reading (understand), to describe what is new or interesting (analyze, evaluate, create), and to identify those parts of the reading that are confusing (analyze, evaluate). Reading reflections address many elements of metacognition, including knowledge, control, and reflection. They are designed to help students develop knowledge about themselves as learners, learning tasks (reading), prior knowledge, content, self-monitoring, self-assessment, and reflection.

Focus on Chapters 1-2 from the Rose book for this assignment. 

Include at least one citation from the readings. 300-400 words.


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The post They involve a range of higher order thinking skills, e.g. students are asked to summarize the content of the reading (understand), to describe what is new or interesting (analyze, evaluate, create), appeared first on Premium Academic Affiliates.


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The post They involve a range of higher order thinking skills, e.g. students are asked to summarize the content of the reading (understand), to describe what is new or interesting (analyze, evaluate, create), appeared first on Savvy Essay Writers.

They involve a range of higher order thinking skills, e.g. students are asked to summarize the content of the reading (understand), to describe what is new or interesting (analyze, evaluate, create), was first posted on August 18, 2020 at 1:44 pm.
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